Welcome to Internet Marketer, Internet Marketing Specialists. At Internet Marketer we do not test unproven theories on our client's websites – we work with proven Internet Marketing techniques that work. We work closely with our associated business partners InfoLink IT and Website Promotion,...


Internet Marketing is a process of incorporating knowledge and expertise into a web presence. Internet Marketing is a process of exploring every possible avenue to get your name, your services, your products or your brands known to potential customers through every channel possible. Internet Mark...


Without Internet Marketing you are not giving your online business a chance to survive, let alone succeed. The Internet was designed to give small business operators a chance to compete with big businesses on an equal level. Many people today develop a website and fail to prepare a busi...


Internet Marketer Google Internet Marketing Specialists

Welcome to Internet Marketer. We deliver cutting edge Internet Marketing solutions that deliver real-world results. Internet Marketer is located in Varsity Lakes on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. We are part of the Info Link IT group headed up by Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimisation Guru, Paul Klerck.

Paul is fanatical about dominating Google Top 10 SEO positioning for his own websites as well as his clients. Paul never stops researching new and improved Internet Marketing methods, and as a result has effective, working Internet Marketing methods.

To see how we can improve your business traffic, leads and sales generation call today 1300 663 664.

Brisbane Bankruptcy Lawyers Specialising in Insolvency, Bankruptcy and ATO Taxation Debt

May 30th, 2013

Many Australians are faced with crippling credit card debts, business debt and insolvency related issues caused by the ATO who are wanting to clean up all their outstanding taxation debts. Where can you turn when the financial stress of dealing with credit card debt, ATO debt, and personal finance strain becomes more than you can […]

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Sub Floor Ventilation Melbourne Sydney Brisbane Stop Damp Floors Now

May 29th, 2013

Sub Floor Ventilation stops homes looking, feeling and smelling damp. Many Australian homes suffer dampness from rising damp this can cause mould, fungi, condensation, mildew, musty smells, buckling floor boards, black staining around nails in timber floors, if you are experiencing any of these conditions in your home then Doctor Damp can help. If you […]

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New measures are being implemented from 1 June 2013 to penalise the illegal hiring of workers.

May 28th, 2013

Receiving a warning notice or being imposed with a criminal sanction was once the only penalty you could receive for such an offence but under the new legislation, infringement notices and civil penalties will be given to employers found breaking the law. Anyone using 457 immigration visas in an unsanctioned manner could be charged anything […]

Read more of New measures are being implemented from 1 June 2013 to penalise the illegal hiring of workers. »

Commander Telecommunication Company (M2) Poor Service Disaster Service Levels Don’t Fall For Their Con Story

May 13th, 2013

If you get a phone call from Commander telecommunications company think twice before you move your phone services to them, they are a disaster, they entice you over with cheaper call rates and holiday dollar giveaways “WRONG Choice” they are just as expensive or more when you way up their poor service levels and the […]

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